Tuesday, December 28, 2010

You may have been wondering...

last I heard you were told to rest at home... what have you been up to? Well I am glad you asked!! I found it very hard to just .... S-I-T .... anyone who knows me knows this is a very challenging task for me.... especially hubby who keeps yelling at me to "FREAKIN SIT DOWN"!!! lol!
So what have I been doing? I started a BLOG! Yep, a real one not just updates about me, but for parents to find links to lots of great giveaways, contests, reviews, advice, recipes, craft projects and much more!! I hope that as my dear, loving friend you will go to my blog, subscribe/friend connect/follow me... and suggest it to everyone in the world you know!! Basically I am trying to build up my reader base so I can start an at home mommy reviewing blog. Hopefully if I get enough readers big companies will notice and send me items to review ... AND giveaway to my loyal readers! This is definitely something that is for me! A baby on the way and two in school... plus I am pretty much not doing school for the next year so I will have the time and love to see all the new goodies coming out and... wait for it..... share my opinion!! I love telling people about all the wonderful things that help(ed) me! Really excited to get going on this new venture!
The thing is, I dont have very many items reviewed just yet, so I am trying to get readers by offering other things at my awesome blog! Thus the giveaway links to other blogs, recipes, advice, craft projects, etc. Hopefully within a month of two I will have built the reader base up enough that I can start doing what my blog was intended to do!
This pretty much has kept my mind occupied pretty well, but left me feeling even more tired since I am not up moving around at all now.
Well that's it for now. I will update soon. I have another appt on the 30th (and now more frequently since all this started) and will update after.

Oh wait, I forgot to tell you my blog address! It is www.FromTheMommyView.com! Visit, send your friends, subscribe, share it on facebook, share it on twitter, put it in your emails, tell your friends, shout it from the mountain tops......... well you get the idea! Thanks for helping me get going! I love all of you for helping me!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nothing like a little scare to put life in perspective!

So my last pregnancy ended at 31 weeks. Very quickly too. I just felt "off" for a little while and instead of taking a chance, I decided to go in and get checked. I was not dilated, but I was contracting... just a few short hours later, I was 5 cm. They threw everything they had at me from trebutaline to mag. Nothing did the trick. By that evening, I was 7cm and since the twins were transverse they decided to take them by c-section. I also want to add that my belly was measuring 45 inches!
So last night when I was feeling "off" and a slight bit crampy all in my lower abdomen, I decided I did not want to chance it and went in to be checked.
3 hours later I got a clean bill of health. I was technically contracting but thank god no cervical changes. Both hubby and I thought we can blame it on me cleaning out the computer room to make room for Collin and all the other projects I have taken on since I have been out of school. The on call MD told me to rest and made me a sooner appointment with my midwife to be checked again.
Of course, I know all of you will be praying for baby Collin and myself not to be back to L&D until March sometime:)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The great CLEAN OUT!

So spring has come a little early in our household. As soon as I finished my final and the rest of the week with the kids, I gave myself the weekend to relax.  Well I did start a few things that week in my down time. Got all the overdue laundry done. Actually put it where it is suppose to go in each room, cleaned out the kids closets, and cleaned Logan's carpets, the hallway carpets and the downstairs carpets.
Monday morning I was up bright and early (not on purpose of course) cleaning and getting ready to move stuff around, go through things and get rid of all the stuff we don't use anymore. I cant believe how much I accomplished yesterday. The computer room is all moved around, more condensed so we can now put the baby in that room. That was a chore in itself. I had boxes of papers that I had from the old house (moved in 2007...) that have been piling up that I needed to go through. Started shredding everything we could and my shredder broke :( Now I have two big garage bags full of papers that need to be shredded but have no way to get it done....
I also cleaned out the downstairs closet and found more things for the baby. At the end of the day I had Katelyn move all the stuff she could out of her room and into the hallway and cleaned her carpets. Now all I have left is to put her room back together and clean my carpets in my room.
Wow - just talking about all of that makes me tired! lol!

Baby Collin is still doing fantastic! Had my glucose tolerance test last week and my numbers look great! Mr. Collin is going strong! His heartbeat sounds so delightful each time I hear the swish, swish, woooosh! I am still counting down the days till I get to hold him in my arms!

On to finish the cleaning! So far I have two huge garbage bags of clothes that we are donating to a local apartment complex that just suffered a fire. Many people lost all they had, so I am sending off all the clothes that I just cleaned out of the closets. I know it is not much, but I hope it helps in some small way.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

25 wks down, 15 to go!!!!

Sorry it has been so far in between posts. I write this blog as I should be studying for my nursing final on Tuesday. You would not believe how many things are happening this week!
Monday = Katelyn's field trip bowling. Taking nana with me if she can go because I am taking 5 1st graders!!
Tuesday = Nursing final
Wednesday = Katelyn's cookie exchange at school
Thursday = Baby Check up
Friday = Katelyn's Christmas play/party and Logan's shapes/holiday party

This was not how I imagined the last week going. Nothing should have been planned so I could rest and relax .... get some odds and ends done at home before these monkeys were out on break... owell! I am really excited to take back being a mommy again! I cant believe how nursing school takes that away for 16 weeks at a time!!
I also have some news.... I am not going back next semester. I have some additional classes to take before 3rd year and thought it would be great timing to put nursing on hold to welcome baby Collin in March. I am going to be taking two classes in Spring and then the other two in Fall. By the time Spring 2012 comes around, I will pick right back up where I left off....

Oh and the most important part! How is baby and mommy doing??
Fantastic! Belly is growing crazy! Baby looks great, feel him move and wiggle like he is growing with an ipod attached to his little ear buds. I feel wonderful except for the occasional back ache. I cant believe we are going on 25 weeks! I know this is me, but I have to say - how adorable is that baby belly!! I think I am a sucker for baby bellies all together!! :)
25 weeks
25 weeks
Hopefully now since I am done with school I can do a weekly post with pics:)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Making Snowglobes

Courtesy of Design Mom!
Snow globes that you can make at home!


I tried this project with my daughters class exactly how Design Mom says to do, and for us it was a complete disaster. The pictures took my husband and I all day to figure out how to get the size right. I ended up using Picnik to fix them and print them. The packing tape did not seal the pictures, the PVC pipe was a BEAR to shred and it stayed at the top and ALL of the jars leaked.

Here are the adjustments we made to make snowglobes that dont leak :)

1. Get the pictures laminated.

2. Use glitter instead of PVC pipe

3. Get silicone sealant and use a tad bit under the cap once placed

4. Dont bother getting the glycerin. We went to several stores and finally found itty bitty bottles for $6 each! and it did not even help! The glitter will sink on its own

Yes, this project taught me a valuable lesson - always try it first at home before you do it on a larger scale..... like 20 kids! lol!


Monday, November 1, 2010

19 wks: ITS A .....

BOY! We found out Friday the 29th we are expecting a BOY! It has taken some getting use to. I for sure thought I was having a girl when I first got pregnant, but then had several dreams I was having a boy.... Some insecurities have popped up about the boy thing.... Logan is a GREAT child, but when he was a baby he had colic for 7 months! for 7 whole months I did not sleep....... and I cried about as much as he did. He was also more challenging as far as caring for. He never wanted to be held by anyone except me. Made it very difficult to do anything or even to have a break.... I guess those days working was my break.
I know each baby is different, but how could you help but to compare it to what you already know. Thank god friends have recently had boys and they all seem to be having a terrific time with them. I think it will just have to be one of those things that you take as it comes....

Thursday, October 14, 2010

17 wks: Baby changes

Not much has changed with baby except the growing at an enormous rate! Can you believe in the matter of 40 weeks a single cell has divided so much, it has created a human life? It is just mind boggeling thinking about it! All the amazing things my body must do in unisin with these bunches of cells to make life... WOW!
So a week or so ago when I would turn/twist to move around I would feel a gigantic kick. I have not felt any small taps, kick, punches, movements... no just gigantic kicks that make me jump! You would think after being pregnant with twins I would be prepared for this... Yesterday I was walking with friends and the baby kicked. One asked to feel my tummy so I put her hand right where I felt it..... and of course baby kicked on the other side! Go figure! When I jumped she thought she had hurt me and all I could do was laugh. No it is just me being dramatic cause it was just so weird!
Yesterday I had a big assignment due for class. A case study on a patient. We had one for first year too but we had all semester to work on it. I basically had to crank one out in a week and some of the requirements were way different than last year. It was down to the wire with my class starting at 1:00 and me still typing away at 12:30 or so. I ran upstairs to get dressed and high tailed it to Gilroy to class. I amazingly finished and was on time! For anyone who knows me I am one of those people that usually finish way ahead of time and give myself plenty of time to get places. This program certainly makes me feel like a basket case.... a procrastinator and always waiting till the last minute cause I had 100 other things to do before this and that. Defiantly makes me feel like a terrible mommy since 90% of the time hubby is doing everything with them while I am stuck doing homework or in class/clinical. I think of all weeks, last week was the holy grail of shoving way too much into one week.
My week started out like a typical Monday. Did my homework till I had to be in clinical at 3 in San Jose. Went to clinical 3-10:30, got home about 11... could not fall asleep till almost 1. Got up early the next day to get everyone up and ready for Logan's field trip. I chaperoned his feild trip (I had 5, 5 year olds with a lot of energy and yes, I was 1 weeks pregnant at the time) then went to the school dropped off all these monkeys and then went straight to clinical till 10:30. I barley made it to my bed and was out cold. The next day we had a health fair at school that was said to be mandatory. I already had my check up scheduled, so I went to that in the morning, then went to school for this health fair. Then after the fair, it was class time till 4. By the time I walked in the door I was beat and I still had homework.... but it had to wait. I had to take care of some kiddo's and then to bed by 7. yes, 7pm I was snuggled in bed waiting for mr sandman to come bless me into a wonderful slumber! Got up the next morning took monkeys to school, and did homework till school time at 1:00 and had a test that I did not study too much for (which I pulled an 88% ... seriously right out of the air!). First yea I think my best test score was an 85%...... I am finally getting the hang of this craziness!
Just talking about all of that again makes me feel a little flutter of panic at trying to remember it all and not miss anything and still trying to stay vertical during the daytime hours. I guess my only comfort is knowing that I am doing all of this for a reason.... the reason I come home at night and dont just crash, but instead decide to be nice and pour some cereal into a trough for the kids to eat! lol! Wouldn't that be nice if it really were that simple.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

14 wks: Ultrasounds... who needs um' :(

Well we had out NT ultrasound yesterday to check for down syndrome and some other congenital defects. Looks like we have a perfect baby (duh! lol!). As the tech swept over the legs I saw a bright glowing object between the two femur bones. Could it be....? The tech said she would not confirm due to the gestation age (13.5). She said they will not confirm gender until about 16-18 weeks.  Then I looked it up online and at this stage it is the angle of the protrusion that tells you boy or girl. You also can not confirm without seeing the protrusion with the scrotum, which I saw nothing resembling it... Every fiber of my being says girl, so I was very shocked to see something between the legs.  Maybe mothers intuition is still on my side?
I also finally got a real 'official' due date! After weeks of going back and forth between almost a two weeks span of possible due dates, we are back to our original LMP due date of March 25! I am just so excited that I want to meet our baby NOW! lol!! Owell just a short 26 more weeks to wait.
Clinicals and school are going well too. I had my firs test and did so much better than I thought I would. Great way to start off my 2nd year!
As soon as I recuperate from my long night at clinical and only a few hours of sleep I will scan some beautiful baby pics in to share.

Friday, August 27, 2010

10 wks: what a day...

Today I had my pregnancy orientation. Yes, this being my 5th pregnancy apparently there is something that must have slipped through the cracks and I am re-taught what it will be like being pregnant and how to eat right... thanks for that Kaiser.
Anyway, they gave me a whole bunch of appt's today. We decided to go with the less invasive way of detecting abnormalities with the Nuchal Translucency ultrasound and some blood work. I have read too many things about CVS and Amnio that make me think that is not the right path for us. Too many things can happen to make the risk not high enough for us to worry about it. At least for now that is how we feel... we will see how the blood tests go.
Our big ultrasound is scheduled for 10/29, at about 19 weeks... you know what that means?? We could find out the sex if we want to. Hmmm.... I was adamant that I did not want to find out and then I learned that hubby does want to find out. Plus the kids really want to know.... oh my, what do I do? I guess I have about 9 weeks to think about it now.
I will also be starting back to school next week. The hospital I am doing my clinical's at is the hospital I am having all my check-ups and will be delivering at. How fun... I guess that makes appt's a bit easier. Not really into starting back to school. The last two semesters of school were the nursing program and it was torture for me. I don't think I have ever questioned myself like I did those two semesters. Why would anyone go back to that? Anyway, here I go, jumping feet first with my eyes shut.
Right now all I want to do is go upstairs and sleep.... It has been a long day of the class, kids and getting things done to start my program.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

10 weeks!

Well we are now at just about 10 weeks.We have been given a due date of 3/25/2010, for now at least. Saw the Dr last Monday and she said everything looks great. Even got to peek at our beautiful baby!
8 weeks, 3 days

Total joy at seeing that heart pump and the baby wiggle!! No words could ever describe how happy you are to see that perfect baby developing just as he/she should and you are the one making it happen!

This Friday I have to go to a "pregnancy orientation" because that is the way Kaiser does it... Both Scott and I snickered when they told us we have to go. I looked at him and then looked back at the lady and said "We have done this before. Do we really need to go to an orientation?" She replied with "All pregnancies are different". Did not feel the need to point out that I have been pregnant 5 times and yes I understand that, but.... I guess all pregnancy woman have to go to this.

Morning sickness has been quite a drag. Not only do I hardly feel like eating, but I don't even have the energy to do much... I am sure some of that is not eating and some of that is the baby sucking the life out of me! lol! My body also has it a little backwards. For the most part, I wake up feeling pretty good and as the day wears on, that is when I feel it hit me. By 6pm I am just done for the day. My morning sickness has been re-named just for this new bundle as evening sickness. So my steps are small right now. I am counting down the hours (Yes I said HOURS!) until I am 14 weeks along. I normally seem to perk up around that time.

Till next time:)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What we have learned

So this is now my 5th pregnancy (6th baby) and through school and all these babies, we have learned a few things we will be using or doing in this pregnancy/for this baby.

1. Rates of c-sections and interventions at hospitals are crazy high. Aiming for a home birth this time! (- key word aiming... who knows what will happen... If anyone has some resources to share I would love it! We would also love the support of our family and friends no matter what road we end up taking.

2. Had no idea how far cloth diapering has come. We will be using cloth this time. I love the gDiapers system but, I will be trying to sew some AIO diapers myself and maybe trying out some different styles to see what works for us. I figure I have a little while to work on that...  and possibly recruit some family/friends to help:) Their are lots of free cloth diaper patterns on the web - hint hint;) lol! Maybe a diaper service.... not quite sure yet. If you google cloth diapers all in one you will be surprised at how far cloth has come!

3. We will not be finding out the sex! I know, I know... I am a terrible control freak so I can understand that this one may be hard to swallow... but we have a boy and a girl. We don't really care what we have this time as long as the baby is healthy. (at least this is the plan for right now. We may need to have the doctor write it on a piece of paper for my sister in law and mother in law. I know those two will need to know! as long as they keep it from us. lol!)

4. We are going to try avoiding buying anything new (except of course few things) and expect our family and friends to do the same. We will be scouring garage sales for clothes and necessary items. We will have a baby registry for people to refer to for the things we will need, but would prefer for them to find them gently used on craiglist/ebay, at baby re-sale stores, at garage sales or stuff you just don't need anymore and want to hand down. We would also love any hand made special items for our newest addition. If you are able to do it, we would prefer that over anything you could buy for us. Already have a request in to Aunt Peggy for a hand made crocheted baby blanket:)

This baby will be our green baby. Wow what a difference a few years and some schooling make! lol!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Our first baby appointment

We are 8 weeks and 3 days today and guess what we got to see?
The baby's heart was fluttering so awesome! Just makes me want to hold him/her right now! Guess I will have to wait a few more weeks... I am thinking about 30 until she/he is done baking. :)

Our next check up is on 9/7

Thursday, July 29, 2010

because of time....

and the fact that now I am sitting at home without much to do I decided to would try to knock out what I can. Been looking at Babies R Us at all the new stuff they have made since I had my two and realized I should just start adding things a little at a time... since I really only have about two weeks left of my summer and then again in Jan, but I think Jan will have me doing more hands on stuff.
So anyway, I can not believe how much cool stuff they have made since I had my two! Of course I would still like hand me downs, but some things (like breast milk bags) I have to think of... and of course the stuff I have learned works best for me, and the stuff that I know I DONT need even though all these "registry to do list's" say you need it... I just know my baby will be in onesis and sleepers for the first few months... I dont see the reason to dress them all up every day when I have to take their clothes off a million times a day, Plus some of this stuff is so uncomfortable. Plus I dont need a million burp clothes. I never really used them with my first two. We used the cloth diapers. I think we will be able to find lots of baby clothes at garage sales:)
So The stuff I have put on my registry, I hope that I can find off ebay or craigslist first rather than buying new. I think it is such a waste if you look at how long they use this stuff...
Babies"R"Us - Baby Registry

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's unbelieveable!

I am just shocked at how wonderful I feel.... I actually feel like I am not pregnant other than the belly that is all of a sudden bloated and round! I know that I was a bit chunky there to begin with but you should see it now!

On another note, we got our first baby item yesterday!! A Britax Companion infant car seat! Every time I look at it, I am still caught off guard that their will soon be a baby in our house!
Just ... wow!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's just not fair...

After bragging how "I never have to pee more than I normally do while pregnant..." guess what has finally hit me? 3am every morning it comes a-callin'... for a little over a week now... yeah, not fair! lol!

While we are on the subject of not fair... it would be appropriate to mention that I look like I am 5 months pregnant already! what the heck??? So I have learned that the more times you are pregnant, since your belly and uterus have already been stretched (multiple times in my case) your belly just pop's out right away for any subsequent pregnancies... Nice... guess I cant hide it much longer...

And it would not go without saying that the whole morning sickness crap is very fitting in this category... although this time around it has not nearly hit me as bad as previous times, it still sucks when it rears its ugly head! Especially when you are standing at the counter at Subway trying to order yourself something healthy and every smell that has ticked your senses makes you want to just run to the bathroom.... yeah thanks wonderful hormones for all the love! I guess I should not complain. With the twins it was so awful that getting out of bed was a chore. I felt sick from the time I woke up till the time I went to bed... sometimes getting up in the middle of the night from transfer to delivery... yep that was a fun 30 weeks!

And then there is of course being pregnant and delivering while in school, but that can go without saying...

Okay so looking at the big picture I don't really have much to complain about. Especially seeing first hand people who want to be parents and cant. Gives you a whole new appreciation for what you do have. Yeah the timing could have been better, and yeah I could use more restful sleep, but hey - no one ever said creating life would be easy:) So I will take my blessing and forget all about everything else and deal as things come up. Here's to a happy and healthy baby! After all I only have about 33 weeks left! :) I can do this!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I think I hit the jackpot!!!

Well maybe not completely. I don't know if I mentioned before that the thought of giving birth in a normal hospital with all the machines and equipment, monitors, interventions, etc makes me so tense and stresses me even now... I really would like to try a home birth but hubby is really concerned with the fact that our boy (birth and baby #2) came out with the cord twice around his neck, labored breathing and blue... which is still okay with a home birth, but hubby is not convinced. He is also worried about how the doctors have told him I am more likely to rupture my uterus now because I had a c-section, but he wont read more about VBAC's. Anyway, I am now on a quest to find a free-standing birth center. I found one that will EVENTUALLY open in San Jose.... but not before I give birth... i found one in Oakland.... and hubby said I don't think so... and then I just found one in SF!! A beautiful free-standing birth center. Of course we will have to go tour it, but ... YAY!!!! The rooms in a birth center have all the special equipment locked behind a door out of view. It just looks like a really nice hotel room. They don't limit your guest/visitors (we can have the kids there if we want - yay!), movement, food, etc... I am so happy to have found this! Natural, stress free, calm labor - here I come!! What more could a pregnant lady want???

Sunday, July 25, 2010

green baby...?

So I am home during the summer and have spent a lot of time learning more about pregnancy and babies since that is what I will be doing next semester. The childbirth class I took (link to site below) was AMAZING to say the least! It opened my eyes  to a whole different approach and made me excited to think of our next little one entering the world... when that time came.... Well it is a reality now and I am so excited to do what I can to make this baby my little green baby! lol! Since my experience with a c-section was one of the most horrible experiences in my life (don't get me wrong I am so happy that the twins are hear healthy... it was just a horrible and traumatic thing for me that I would rather not re-live), I have decided to try a more natural approach this time. The class I took was exactly what I needed to straighten me out! The problem is when you have a c-section, you now have scar tissue on your uterus. If you are given pitocin (which most women now are routinely given because the doctors try to speed up labor... cause they put a clock on it) it will make my contractions super strong and possibly lead to my uterus rupturing which would mean having to have a emergency section. I would love to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean) but with such high rates of interventions at hospitals its hard to stand your ground to keep all the interventions at bay when you are so tired and worn out and the nurses and doctors are offering them every 5 seconds cause they have no faith that a woman can actually go through labor and her body might have a clue of what it is doing on its own.... Okay enough ranting, sorry. Anyway... my point is, we are thinking about doing a home water birth with a certified midwife present. We really want the kids present and I love the idea of the water birth but I cant find a facility around me that offers that. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? (I know that this is totally different and if anything goes wrong... so on and so on... so please, as those comments come through your head, blow them out instead of typing them out:) lol!)

I am also trying my hand at sewing all in one cloth diapers. I did a research paper on diapers for my English class... oh my in 2008 I guess, and found many reasons I do not want to use disposables again. I have found a few on ebay really cheap so I am waiting for those to get here so I can take them apart! hahaha! I also found a bunch of patterns free online, but they have so many different options for fabric, size and style it is hard to know what I will like, what will work and where to start! Sounds fun, huh!?!

Another fun project is going to be organizing the rooms we have... We have 4 rooms and we want to keep the office, the office, so we have Katelyn's and Logan's room's left. Logan's room is smaller so I was thinking about putting the baby in there and having the two older one's share for now.  That way if the baby is napping, they can still play with their toys. So I am thinking a bunk bed in Katelyn's room...

I know, I know... it is still very early, but the problem is anything I am going to do has to happen either in August or in January because back to school I go and their goes all my free time with it! :) 

Any idea's you have for a green baby? I would love to hear them!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

how quickly you forget....

You would think that since this is my 6th baby I would have a clue about certain things....
Guess again!
I don't remember ever being this tired this early and I don't remember having this hard of a time sleeping this early.... but I guess I can contribute that to a little anxiety. As much as we wanted another baby, I really hoped to have a job before we got pregnant ... and also hoped that we could time this one to be due when I was not in school. Owell I guess someone has a different plan and now I have to learn to accept it and move on... and possibly get some sleep.
I already know that I am going to have a wake up call when this little critter gets here. I am very aware of the no sleep, but it will be a different story once I actually have to do it. 
Still feel great other than the stupid tired thing!

Friday, July 23, 2010

About Me

I have a wonderful husband and together we have three amazing kids ages 6, 7 and a new baby we welcomed March 15th! We are also parents to an over-the-top, adorable little jack russel named Kelsey!

I am in school full time as a nursing student. Right now I am taking a year off of nursing school to be home with our newest addition and spend some more time with the older two. I have been in school full time since 2006 so the break is very refreshing! Eventually I will be doing more with my RN… it keeps going back and forth between midwife and NP, but midwife will probably win! Most likely after I get my RN I wont go back to add on to it until all my munchkins are bigger.

I have also been a surrogate twice! My first surro baby (a singleton boy) was born in 2007 and in 2009 we welcomed surro TWINS at 31 weeks. I was able to pump for my first surro baby just for a few months due to his parents being so far away and no way to transport that precious milk. With the twins, I pumped for them night and day for close to 7 months until I started back to nursing school.

I was put on bed rest in December 2010 to ensure this little guy stays in longer than the twins. Anyone who knows me, knows that it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to sit. I am a very busy, active mommy. So this is when I starting blogging with my first blog "Whats One More". It was a great way to do something I enjoy and keep me entertained while *sigh* sitting…. After baby was born and things settled down a bit, we wanted to get out with the kids, but in more of a budget friendly way. We searched the internet and found lots of great things and are now sharing that with you!

I am a huge supporter of breastfeeding, baby-wearing, keeping babies intact (aka- intactivist), cosleeping and attachment parenting. Anyone who knows me know that these things are very close to me. We are also cloth diaper our new baby which has actually been quite fun so far!

I love doing things outdoors as long as the weather is nice. I am not good with extreme hot or cold… I love to sit in doors with a blazing fire in the fireplace and watch the rain! I love to snuggle with my hubby, kids and our pup! I love to try new things and love to have new adventures! I love to cook new dishes (as long as it is not fish)! I love to travel! I love the color purple and I love butterfly’s! I love to sew and do little crafts. It has been really fun learning! I am always doing some new project because I love to keep busy:)

I love babies!!! Well you probably already know that! I think being a midwife is perfect for me because I adore pregnancy and am still amazed that our bodies can MAKE a human! Not only that but also take care of all their needs up to six months after they are born! I love being a part of the experience even if it is not my own! It is a wonderful time in a woman’s (and their family’s) life!

Hope you enjoy all the wonderful finds and invite your friends to join!

Want to get in touch with me?

By email: KraftyChristy (at) gmail (dot) com

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Whats-One-More/163020753753298

On Twitter: www.twitter.com/whats1more

I also write a blog called "Broke Moms Club" all about saving money for the family!

Doctor's confirmation

Went to Kaiser to confirm what we found out with the stick and they confirmed it! We are expecting!! Our first doctor's appointment will be on August 16th.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Could it be...?

Period is late, feeling icky so I pee'd on a stick to see what might be....

It came up

Still in disbelief I pee'd on yet another stick and it still said pregnant.... It's so weird to think our family will have another baby soon!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chicken Broccoli Rice

 I have made this a lot for my family and they love it! I always cook extra and freeze half.

1. Cook 1 1/2 cups of rice and 3 cups of water in the microwave for 15 minutes.

2. Boil a handful of broccoli (or one of those freezer packets "steam in the bag" of broccoli in the microwave for 5 min)

3. Cook about 3-4 boneless skinless chicken breast whole in a skillet with yoshida's gourmet sauce enough to cover all the chicken covered for about 20 minutes on low/med heat. Watch this very carefully. If is too hot, the sauce will burn.

4. Remove chicken and cut into small pieces. Put back into skillet with remaining sauce. If it is low, add some more. Cook for another 15 minutes covered.

5. Add all together and stir. If needed add more sauce to rice mixture but not too much or it will make it very salty. Just enough to lightly cover it all. Taste it first to see if you need more.

6 - Enjoy!

This one comes straight out of my kitchen!