Monday, August 26, 2013

Woes of the SAHM: Potty Training Edition

My husband works 12-16 hour shifts 6 nights. I worked hard in school with 3 kids at home to become a nurse, got licensed and I am now a stay-at-home mom (I do work about 3-6 hours a month teaching newborn care and breastfeeding but for the greater purpose right now I am a SAHM)  ......... His job is to work and sleep. My job is not a paid position and I have to take care of kids, house and anything that comes up in between. Somehow when I got into school I did not imagine this as my position! lol!!!

That being said .... or more of less going through my head this morning when this happened:
AFTER baby was up all night throwing up for the first time.... AFTER our AMAZING but late date night ..... AND AFTER getting ONE hour of sleep. My older two decided to be loud and wake baby at 6:30 am and of course baby responded ready for his day  ....... THEN He pooped on his potty FOR THE FIRST TIME finally after 4 days of only peepee in the potty!!!!!!! Only problem .... He just got up mid-pop, got some on carpet, then stepped in it, got it on me and again on the carpet. I was trying to clean him up while praising him for going in the potty and telling him its okay that it is now everywhere! LOL!
So yeah ..... going through my head on how hard I worked in school and this is what i am doing now! Funny how things turn out and yeah, I may be sleep deprived and have just bleached certain parts of my body that were contaminated, but boy oh boy I would not trade this for anything else in the world! <3
Yep the glamorous life of the SAHM .......... now i better get back to that meal planning and bill paying AND check my dinner in the crock pot! ;)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Onto The Next Adventure!

School is coming to a close and I am thinking of my summer to do list. I just got back from camping with my in laws for my Logan's 8th Birthday. I went for a hike with my father in law and he once again mentioned wanting to hike in Yosemite! Oh, yes ....... 

As we are walking I cant help the little spring that starts going into each step as my next adventure is here!!! I jump on it right away and tell him I want to go .... I really really REALLY want to go! HE starts talking about it can take a day to hike it and how he had tried it a while back but was not prepared for the journey properly... and  then the steps we have to take to be properly prepared! I am just bubbly inside listening to him and thinking of the next GRAND adventure! Thinking about all the positive things that are happening in my life right now and the new possibilities opening up to me!
Okay so here is it - Half Dome! Yes, I am hiking Half Dome this year! Cant wait to start planning my trip. Since Yosemite fills up 10 years in advance I have to see if there are little spots here or there for summer, but most likely wont be able to book until the population heads back to normal activities in the fall. Eh, fall is even better!
Want to join me? All you need to know about hiking Half Dome can be found HERE!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Why I started MRTT - Surviving the unimaginable

I've been running inconstantly for a few years now ... on after I have a baby and give myself a postpartum period ... then off while pregnant (although looking back I could have still done it) and recovering. I signed up for a few 5k's here and there but was never really serious about training. My father in law inspired me to run. He told me the story how he started because of some problems he was going through and just kept going. To date this man has finished 28 marathons! I would run when I would go visit my in laws but always needed time to stop and rest after about a mile. I was always feeling very torn up after my teeny 5k's.

In December (2012) I was almost 2 years postpartum, almost 200lbs (on my 5'7" frame) and ready to get back into the game. I was once again battling depression and the sudden death of my grandfather compounded those feelings. It was suggested that I try out some anti-depressants, but I knew I had a secret weapon! I started running. ... of course inconsistently again. Until one morning when I got a text that said just a few words that would change my life "Amanda died this morning". I sat and looked at my phone a few times and could not believe it. I was in complete disbelief and shock.

Amanda is my sister in law through marriage (a few of them). My mother in law married my father in law a year after I got married. This amazing man has 3 adult children. Amanda is married to my father in law's oldest son. They had their children about the same time as we had our older two. She is the most bubbly person and loved by all. The twist is I hardly knew Amanda. Of course I met her at my in laws wedding and had heard about things going on here and there. My in laws would go visit them a few times a year since they live in another state. I always wanted to go, but money and timing was not right. I figured I had time..... I figured wrong.

I texted my husband that Amanda had died and I did not have details. My husband was beside himself. He just turned the same age Amanda was and our kids were the same age and it was .... family. He had a difficult time focusing on work knowing that our family was now turned upside down. His thoughts were focused on Amanda's husband and their two little ones. How do you survive loosing someone whom you live for? When he got home from work he would not even discuss it with me. I could see his eyes welt each time I even said her name.

Another twist; it was Amanda's birthday. I never added her as a facebook friend because I was too afraid she would deny it thinking I was weird for even asking. Hind-site now; she would have not even had a second thought of adding me. I visited Amanda's facebook page several times that day looking at the many wonderful friends she had wishing her a happy birthday and saying how thankful they were to have her in their life. I cried every time thinking of how much she meant to so many people. Our family knew, but the world had yet to find out .... a few hours later, I checked her page and the condolences started to roll in. People were in shock and grieving the loss of an amazing woman, wife, mother and friend.

For two days I was in shock wondering how someone who touched so many people lives and was happy ALL THE TIME could pass away but someone like myself who was closed off to everyone, mean all the time and obsessed over very little things, was walking around perfectly healthy.
After my initial two days I started trying to figure out how I could change my life for the better; change my thinking and no longer worry and obsess about everyone and everything. -- to be the best me I could be! Amanda lived her life to the fullest everyday!

I decided to start running everyday to help combat any sorrow I was feeling. I talked to people who (I thought in my crazy mind) did not like me or I would normally be too shy to talk to. I stayed positive throughout times where I would normally withdrawal -- fake it till you make it! and that's exactly what I was doing. I started cleaning out my life of negativity; making new friends that would add color and happiness to my life instead of ones that always brought me down.

I also was looking around for a fitness group to keep me accountable and when I felt down, to help get me on my feet to keep going. I found lots of great local groups, but at the time money was very tight and everything I found cost's quite a bit.   ..... until I came across a group called Moms RUN This Town. I jumped on their main web site and searched for the closest one, which I found in San Jose. I emailed the Chapter Leader that night but was sad to find they do not do runs south of San Jose, which includes my city. MRTT had an option online to start a local chapter if you dont have one, so I jumped in with both feet and my eyes closed!! Instantly I had access to lots of MRTT Chapter Leaders nationwide and had all the support to successfully run my own chapter! I created my Morgan Hill Group on Facebook and started adding all my mommy friends. Some of my friends have been very involved and love it and some have removed themselves from the group. Either way I let them know about it and if it worked for them - great, if not- its okay too!!

About that time we started eating Paleo as well. Changing my diet had so many wonderful effects, but that is a whole post in itself.

I am looking back 3 months down the line at how I made these changes and I am so proud of where I have come from and how far I have gone. The "fake it till you make it" worked!! I no longer feel like I obsess over tiny things I did before. If someone does not like me I know now that it has nothing to do with me because honestly, I am just too awesome not to want to be around! lol!  but seriously, I have lost 30lbs (so far) and even put a few new races under my belt including Big Sur, and some local 10k's! I even had an awesome PR on my last 10k over the Memorial Weekend and beat my first 10k by 6 minutes. I run and no longer feel out of breath or have trouble keeping my pace up for just about the whole run! (another plus of eating right!) Now it is a matter of getting my old body to follow along. As soon I feel an ache or pain, my mind completely focuses in on that area and does not let up. I came up with a game plan for my next 10k coming up on June 8th!!

As far as my grief; I can now acknowledge my sister in law is gone and although we do not have many answers, I can actually talk about it without having to pause or start crying. The one good thing that came of her passing is the fact that I changed my life because of her. Even in her death, she is a positive influence on me. Every race I run, I know she is with me carrying me through and watching over me.

Progress is always nice and I am always a work in progress no matter how far I come!

I know I shared this picture already, but here it is again -- 30lbs down and quite a bit of toning left!  (and again -- thats another post! So much good stuff  to come!!)

Stay tuned for all the goodies to come!!!! I am just getting started!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Changing to Paleo

My husband started telling me a few months back he wanted to try this thing his friends were doing called Paleo. Paleeee what? Dude, not another fad diet... I am so not ready for having one or two things I am allowed to choke down.... that is until he started telling me more and I started reading more. I found as many Paleo facebook pages and Paleo freaks -- I mean fanatics, as I could (see my favorites below) and just read .... and read .... and then when I thought I was understanding it better, I read more! I got on my kindle thingy-ma-jig on my Galaxey S3 and found a few free Paleo books. I found some recipes I thought I could manage to make -- AND EVEN EAT! Then I tried them. Some have been okay and some have been OMG YUUUUMMMMMYYYYYY!! 

So the idea behind Paleo is to stick with basics, like what we ate when we were cavemen,; the things are bodies are meant to digest. When talking with friends I say cut out dairy, gluten, and anything processed. Your basic food groups are meat, veggies and fruits. You can also have eggs and nuts... some spices. Ive found so many yummy recipes and I am NEVER EVER hungry! BIG plus on my end because I am a foodie. I never let myself get hungry. 

My husband does all the grocery shopping so what he does is looks at all the meat on sale and buys enough to have one a day. Then goes to the produce section and does the same with fruits and veggies! We have a our favorites, so he will usually pick those up with a few new ones. Then we buy the stuff we need for kids and viola! We are done! Super easy and fast! Then I head over to one of my favorite Paleo sites below and find recipes for all the goodies he brought home to me!  

Okay so the proof is in the pudding! 
Here is me a few months back before Paleo and then one of me last weekend before I left for The Color Run
Even looking at this picture of myself I still can not believe the transformation! I see myself everyday in the mirror and still see a saggy belly that housed and birthed 6 beautiful babies (maybe because it still looks like I did! LOL!). I dont see the difference people have been telling me they see, but I do love that despite all of that, it is there! I have about 15 more pounds to go and want to tone all the areas that still have fat pockets! :)

Not only do I look great, but I feel better than I have ever felt in my life! I feel like my mind is so much clearer and I feel like I have energy to take on the world! I have never been a morning person, but I find myself getting up at 5:00am just to get ready to take on my day before the kids get up (if you follow my FB page, I talked about this yesterday ... how my life every day starts with my theme song: Harlem Shake! lol). I wish I knew about this when going through nursing school. It would have been nice to have a clear mind then! ;) 

Another great positive change has been the changes I feel from the inside. Many years I had trouble with digestion (okay maybe a little TMI, but so many moms know exactly what I mean). I always had trouble with gas and consistent balance stools... yet told you TMI. I know you will be so happy to know that I have not had ANY issues since eating Paleo! 

Another great feeling from the inside -- my wonderful monthly visitor -- Aunt Flo aka AF. I use to have a very awesome, light 3 day flow. Every womans dream! Then I started having children ... and more children .... and yet again ... more; 6 in fact! Each one has compounded making my period absolutely dreadful.  It got to the point I was having a 5 day, super heavy flow. To the point where I was changing almost every hour and just resigned to being home with awful cramps -- for all 5 days!  

After eating Paleo for about 2 weeks I started my seclusion, I mean, period..... and much to my surprise it was very light and only lasted a few days. I was so worried that I thought I was pregnant! I even went to the doctor to confirm nothing was out of whack. I have now had 3 cycles since and all have been the same; in fact, now that I use a Diva Cup, I dont even know I am having a period!!! 

Not like after that it can get better, but yes I have more!! My mood has been amazing! I dont feel weighted down and mad all the time. Now this could be partly contributed to running but partly because I dont have a constant headache and overall bad feeling in my body. I always felt so heavy and a general achy, blah, tired, etc ... (I dont know if there is a name for this feeling and I am at a loss for words on how to describe this feeling ... yep, imagine that -- me at a loss for words! lol)

So want my secret that's not really a secret??? Join your local Moms RUN This Town! -- a MUST DO! No MRTT close to you, start one! Pam is the fabulous moms that started all of this and she makes it so easy. There is LOTS of support! We also have a virtual chapter and state FB pages that you can join if you are not quite ready to make the leap.

Then do some digging around on what Paleo is and why it works. I promise you will love it.... or even try a few Paleo recipes and see if you like them.

Here are some links to my favorite places to find my Paleo goodies:

Fast Paleo


And here are some of my favorite recipes

Brussel Sprouts with Bacon

Fried Rice

Chicken Strips
(Courtesy of Paleo Dieting)
3 pounds chicken breast, cut into strips
3 eggs
1/2 cup coconut flour
2 tablespoons dried parsley
1 tablespoon mustard powder
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 cup Fatworks tallow or coconut oil

1. Beat eggs in a shallow dish. In a separate shallow dish mix together flour and all seasonings.
2. Melt tallow in a frying pan on med. high heat.
3. Coat chicken strips in egg and dredge in flour mixture, gently shaking off excess flour.
4. Place about 5 strips in frying pan at a time, turning when they start to brown, about 3 mins. Turn strips over until fully cooked and brown, about another 3 minutes.

Garlic Dipping Sauce

1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup chicken stock
2 cloves of garlic, finely minced
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon dried parsley

Put all ingredients in a small bowl and whip with stick blender for 1 minute. You can also use a food processor.

Note: If your tallow gets low, add 1 tablespoon between batches. If you are allergic to eggs you can just skip that part all together.
For lunch since I am always on the move I do a green smoothie! I grab my magic bullet and add almost milk about 1/3 full and a hand full of spinach. Blend. Then add fruits. I like bananas, pineapple and strawberries. But anything is good. Then blend again and enjoy! My boys, especially my 2 year old, are always stealing my smoothie so I always have to make two. These dont sit well so drink up right away! :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother Days Thankful

I have a few people to thank today! My mother in law, Gale is first up! This woman has been such a great mom to me, always helping me on my quest for a crazy adventure and supporting my goals. I could not possibly be the person I am today with out her love and encouragement.
Next up would be my grandma (in law), Dorothy. She is always there for us and helping us through. She support my crazy adventures as well! lol! She has been a huge support in helping to watch our kids when we have stuff going on.
Last but totally not least would be my sister in law, Shyliene. She loves my kids as though they are hers and always is there for them. She remembers every holiday and special occasion (even when mommy and daddy forget). She is always understanding no matter how silly I am being.
Happy Mothers Day to all of you! Without all of you, I could not be where I am at today!

What women in your life are special to you and why?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Big Sur International Marathon (Relay)

I have to start off by saying -->> If you do not have a bucket list, it is time to start one and then add BSIM as your NUMBER ONE item to do!
I felt very blessed to even be running this to begin with. Money is extremely tight and on a whim I entered what I thought was a contest for registration for the half in November courtesy of CamelBak. When I found out it was the Marathon, I was a bit sad knowing I am not ready for a full just yet. I contacted Sally at BSIM and she was more than accommodating! Then I found out a mom from my sister chapter, San Jose MRTT, was starting a relay group! I timidly emailed Sally.... she was amazing once again and switched up my registration to be in the group. (Keep in mind this is about 10 days before the marathon.)
Race weekend came and we started off by going to the Expo on Saturday. We had a meeting about how the relay would work. I had never met our team captain, Aleks, before so I was a bit nervous about finding her. While we were standing in line for bib pick up I was talking to my cousin Chelly (our leg 3 runner) about how are we suppose to find Aleks..... when the girl in front of me turned around and said "Oh thats me!!!" How lucky were we??!! We picked up our bibs and our baton -- A SLAP BRACELET!! So cool!
We went to the meeting about the relay and learned all about what to do with sweat bags and how the race was going to work. We still did not really grasp the concept but this whole relay was about just going along for the ride anyway (we just decided to do the relay about a week and a half before the date!)
We decided to walk around the Expo for a bit and picked up a few race day essentials. Saw the booth for Sport Hooks and Flip Belt -- both who support MRTT mommas! We decided that it was time to go so we started heading out when we remembered that Jeff Galloway was speaking. I knew that he was not going to be there again until 3:00, so just to possibly see if he *might* be around, we ran upstairs..... only to find him standing by the meeting room signing autographs! Waiting in the line for him took quite a while, only because he took his time to speak with each.and.every.person. Which in my mind was AWESOME! It was personal, not just a quick signature and go. He really listened and that is something I admire in someone who does what he does!
Race day came and I had to wake up at 1:45am to leave by 2:45am ... to be there by 4:00am when the first bus left. We made it with time to spare and spent a little while talking to some of the other runners. This was my first "branching out" experience with a race as I have only done local 5k's. It was a very different experience. I was not cold, but I dressed in layers. They told us to expect 40 degree's but to me it was tolerable.
Big Sur team in am
One by one we said goodbye; First to Sherri, who ran leg one and left a little after 4am, then to Nicholay for leg #2, Aleks for leg #3 (the hardest of all 5!)..... and that left Chelly and I waiting for a while. We visited the port-a-potties and found some new people to talk to. The buss's came rolling back in and then I said goodbye to Chelly for leg #3, and finally I boarded a bus as the sun came up.
I had the pleasure of meeting a great woman who ran multiple marathons and had two high school age sons! We got up the hill and to our spot in about 30 minutes. The buss's all parked along the tiny highway (props to the bus drivers for maneuvering so well in that very tight space) and then our wait began. It was VERY cold where we were waiting (Mile 22). After about an hour, I started to smell something so yummy; BBQ?? I decided to try and brave the outside cold and head to the port-a-poties. I got off my bus to find all the bus drivers hanging out in lawn chairs next to the buss's (on the mountain side-- not road side) and BBQing!!! What a great idea! If you're going to be hanging out for several hours, why not!!!
Got back on my bus and went back to my seat. Almost everyone was asleep waiting for their team runner to come in which would be at least a few hours. One young man was even sleeping on the floor! I was a little jealous that these people were all sleeping .... I tried but could not get comfortable enough, not to mention I was giddy like a school girl that I was even here to begin with!
The course is so beautiful and the people running are so nice! The locals bring lawn chairs out to the side of the road and cheer all the runners passing by! I was the last leg (#5) that started at mile 22. I was really disappointed that while I was waiting for my teammate to come in and had off the baton to me, my phone died! I think it was searching for a signal the whole time and you have NO signal most of this course. I am a little tech challenged with my new phone so I was not even sure what I could do to prolong battery life ... so the lady I was sitting next to told me that I need to invest in a garmin (for tracking my pace time) and also bring my old trusty iPOD next time! Point taken!! I was really worried about not having my brand new playlist to run to since I have never done 4 miles before, but it ended up working out for the best!
Our leg 3 runner, Aleks, came in to my starting point. When my teammate with the baton came in, I ran the rest of the way with her, having the best timing ever -->> PR BABY! She talked to me the whole time about changing my Paleo diet a bit to help improve my running. Also how I could MAKE my own almond milk super easy! Man she was such a great inspiration to me!! I hope I have the pleasure of running with her again soon!! (Want to read more about my running partner? - She has her own race blog She even wrote an amazing post about our Big Sur run with LOTS of pictures!!)
Not only was listening to her talk to me so amazing, but just the breathtaking views. It felt like every few steps there was a reason to stop and take pictures. The weather was perfect when it came time to run, even though it felt so cold all morning! We went up a little hill, down a little hill, had a little flat running, another little hill, down around a bend or two and all along the way amazing volunteers (who were not paid to get up at 4 am!) cheering us along the way! I thought it was really impressive for all these people to be out here when they really did not have to be. It was a sight to come upon bands, drummers and people dressed in these intricate costumes along the way. I think breathtaking would be my one word to sum it all up!
BigSurViewCarmel right after I started running
BigSurInCarmel town
BigSurMile24-25 costume drummers
920391_10200437778000433_232947058_o -- Yes by Mile 26 I had lost my mind and started singing HALLELUJAH with these awesome ladies that have been standing in the same position all day ... wait ..... ;)
As we came upon the finish line we could hear the announcer cheering us on. I look to my left and a man and a women were holding signs! His said something along the lines of "Smile FREE beer ahead" and for the life of me I cant remember hers but they both made me chuckle!

Right after this couple, we turned the bed to find it all opened up and we can see the finish line!!!!! I see a sign that says "Go Christy" and "way to go momma" being held up by my husband and daughter!
I ran over to them really quick and smooched my little girl -- looked at Aleks and said lets go! I cant remember ever having that much energy after already running before. We crossed the finish line and I felt like that soccer player that fell to her knees and ripped off her shirt.

Our official results:
Split 1: 00:46:39
Split 2 (13.1 mile marker): 02:05:07
Split 3: 02:26:46
Split 4: 03:33:25
Final: 04:31:21

BSIM already announced their date for next year; April 27, 2014 -- >>Registration opens 7/15/13. Make sure to put a reminder on your phone because this event is very popular and sells out quick  ..... and now I have first hand experience as to why!