Monday, May 20, 2013

Changing to Paleo

My husband started telling me a few months back he wanted to try this thing his friends were doing called Paleo. Paleeee what? Dude, not another fad diet... I am so not ready for having one or two things I am allowed to choke down.... that is until he started telling me more and I started reading more. I found as many Paleo facebook pages and Paleo freaks -- I mean fanatics, as I could (see my favorites below) and just read .... and read .... and then when I thought I was understanding it better, I read more! I got on my kindle thingy-ma-jig on my Galaxey S3 and found a few free Paleo books. I found some recipes I thought I could manage to make -- AND EVEN EAT! Then I tried them. Some have been okay and some have been OMG YUUUUMMMMMYYYYYY!! 

So the idea behind Paleo is to stick with basics, like what we ate when we were cavemen,; the things are bodies are meant to digest. When talking with friends I say cut out dairy, gluten, and anything processed. Your basic food groups are meat, veggies and fruits. You can also have eggs and nuts... some spices. Ive found so many yummy recipes and I am NEVER EVER hungry! BIG plus on my end because I am a foodie. I never let myself get hungry. 

My husband does all the grocery shopping so what he does is looks at all the meat on sale and buys enough to have one a day. Then goes to the produce section and does the same with fruits and veggies! We have a our favorites, so he will usually pick those up with a few new ones. Then we buy the stuff we need for kids and viola! We are done! Super easy and fast! Then I head over to one of my favorite Paleo sites below and find recipes for all the goodies he brought home to me!  

Okay so the proof is in the pudding! 
Here is me a few months back before Paleo and then one of me last weekend before I left for The Color Run
Even looking at this picture of myself I still can not believe the transformation! I see myself everyday in the mirror and still see a saggy belly that housed and birthed 6 beautiful babies (maybe because it still looks like I did! LOL!). I dont see the difference people have been telling me they see, but I do love that despite all of that, it is there! I have about 15 more pounds to go and want to tone all the areas that still have fat pockets! :)

Not only do I look great, but I feel better than I have ever felt in my life! I feel like my mind is so much clearer and I feel like I have energy to take on the world! I have never been a morning person, but I find myself getting up at 5:00am just to get ready to take on my day before the kids get up (if you follow my FB page, I talked about this yesterday ... how my life every day starts with my theme song: Harlem Shake! lol). I wish I knew about this when going through nursing school. It would have been nice to have a clear mind then! ;) 

Another great positive change has been the changes I feel from the inside. Many years I had trouble with digestion (okay maybe a little TMI, but so many moms know exactly what I mean). I always had trouble with gas and consistent balance stools... yet told you TMI. I know you will be so happy to know that I have not had ANY issues since eating Paleo! 

Another great feeling from the inside -- my wonderful monthly visitor -- Aunt Flo aka AF. I use to have a very awesome, light 3 day flow. Every womans dream! Then I started having children ... and more children .... and yet again ... more; 6 in fact! Each one has compounded making my period absolutely dreadful.  It got to the point I was having a 5 day, super heavy flow. To the point where I was changing almost every hour and just resigned to being home with awful cramps -- for all 5 days!  

After eating Paleo for about 2 weeks I started my seclusion, I mean, period..... and much to my surprise it was very light and only lasted a few days. I was so worried that I thought I was pregnant! I even went to the doctor to confirm nothing was out of whack. I have now had 3 cycles since and all have been the same; in fact, now that I use a Diva Cup, I dont even know I am having a period!!! 

Not like after that it can get better, but yes I have more!! My mood has been amazing! I dont feel weighted down and mad all the time. Now this could be partly contributed to running but partly because I dont have a constant headache and overall bad feeling in my body. I always felt so heavy and a general achy, blah, tired, etc ... (I dont know if there is a name for this feeling and I am at a loss for words on how to describe this feeling ... yep, imagine that -- me at a loss for words! lol)

So want my secret that's not really a secret??? Join your local Moms RUN This Town! -- a MUST DO! No MRTT close to you, start one! Pam is the fabulous moms that started all of this and she makes it so easy. There is LOTS of support! We also have a virtual chapter and state FB pages that you can join if you are not quite ready to make the leap.

Then do some digging around on what Paleo is and why it works. I promise you will love it.... or even try a few Paleo recipes and see if you like them.

Here are some links to my favorite places to find my Paleo goodies:

Fast Paleo


And here are some of my favorite recipes

Brussel Sprouts with Bacon

Fried Rice

Chicken Strips
(Courtesy of Paleo Dieting)
3 pounds chicken breast, cut into strips
3 eggs
1/2 cup coconut flour
2 tablespoons dried parsley
1 tablespoon mustard powder
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 cup Fatworks tallow or coconut oil

1. Beat eggs in a shallow dish. In a separate shallow dish mix together flour and all seasonings.
2. Melt tallow in a frying pan on med. high heat.
3. Coat chicken strips in egg and dredge in flour mixture, gently shaking off excess flour.
4. Place about 5 strips in frying pan at a time, turning when they start to brown, about 3 mins. Turn strips over until fully cooked and brown, about another 3 minutes.

Garlic Dipping Sauce

1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup chicken stock
2 cloves of garlic, finely minced
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon dried parsley

Put all ingredients in a small bowl and whip with stick blender for 1 minute. You can also use a food processor.

Note: If your tallow gets low, add 1 tablespoon between batches. If you are allergic to eggs you can just skip that part all together.
For lunch since I am always on the move I do a green smoothie! I grab my magic bullet and add almost milk about 1/3 full and a hand full of spinach. Blend. Then add fruits. I like bananas, pineapple and strawberries. But anything is good. Then blend again and enjoy! My boys, especially my 2 year old, are always stealing my smoothie so I always have to make two. These dont sit well so drink up right away! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christy, What a great blog you have here!!! Thank you for sharing all you have been doing...your hard work is most definitely paying off!! Hope to run with you someday soon! I'm slower at 13-14 minute mile pace, but I will get there!
