Wednesday, September 22, 2010

14 wks: Ultrasounds... who needs um' :(

Well we had out NT ultrasound yesterday to check for down syndrome and some other congenital defects. Looks like we have a perfect baby (duh! lol!). As the tech swept over the legs I saw a bright glowing object between the two femur bones. Could it be....? The tech said she would not confirm due to the gestation age (13.5). She said they will not confirm gender until about 16-18 weeks.  Then I looked it up online and at this stage it is the angle of the protrusion that tells you boy or girl. You also can not confirm without seeing the protrusion with the scrotum, which I saw nothing resembling it... Every fiber of my being says girl, so I was very shocked to see something between the legs.  Maybe mothers intuition is still on my side?
I also finally got a real 'official' due date! After weeks of going back and forth between almost a two weeks span of possible due dates, we are back to our original LMP due date of March 25! I am just so excited that I want to meet our baby NOW! lol!! Owell just a short 26 more weeks to wait.
Clinicals and school are going well too. I had my firs test and did so much better than I thought I would. Great way to start off my 2nd year!
As soon as I recuperate from my long night at clinical and only a few hours of sleep I will scan some beautiful baby pics in to share.