Monday, August 26, 2013

Woes of the SAHM: Potty Training Edition

My husband works 12-16 hour shifts 6 nights. I worked hard in school with 3 kids at home to become a nurse, got licensed and I am now a stay-at-home mom (I do work about 3-6 hours a month teaching newborn care and breastfeeding but for the greater purpose right now I am a SAHM)  ......... His job is to work and sleep. My job is not a paid position and I have to take care of kids, house and anything that comes up in between. Somehow when I got into school I did not imagine this as my position! lol!!!

That being said .... or more of less going through my head this morning when this happened:
AFTER baby was up all night throwing up for the first time.... AFTER our AMAZING but late date night ..... AND AFTER getting ONE hour of sleep. My older two decided to be loud and wake baby at 6:30 am and of course baby responded ready for his day  ....... THEN He pooped on his potty FOR THE FIRST TIME finally after 4 days of only peepee in the potty!!!!!!! Only problem .... He just got up mid-pop, got some on carpet, then stepped in it, got it on me and again on the carpet. I was trying to clean him up while praising him for going in the potty and telling him its okay that it is now everywhere! LOL!
So yeah ..... going through my head on how hard I worked in school and this is what i am doing now! Funny how things turn out and yeah, I may be sleep deprived and have just bleached certain parts of my body that were contaminated, but boy oh boy I would not trade this for anything else in the world! <3
Yep the glamorous life of the SAHM .......... now i better get back to that meal planning and bill paying AND check my dinner in the crock pot! ;)