Thursday, October 14, 2010

17 wks: Baby changes

Not much has changed with baby except the growing at an enormous rate! Can you believe in the matter of 40 weeks a single cell has divided so much, it has created a human life? It is just mind boggeling thinking about it! All the amazing things my body must do in unisin with these bunches of cells to make life... WOW!
So a week or so ago when I would turn/twist to move around I would feel a gigantic kick. I have not felt any small taps, kick, punches, movements... no just gigantic kicks that make me jump! You would think after being pregnant with twins I would be prepared for this... Yesterday I was walking with friends and the baby kicked. One asked to feel my tummy so I put her hand right where I felt it..... and of course baby kicked on the other side! Go figure! When I jumped she thought she had hurt me and all I could do was laugh. No it is just me being dramatic cause it was just so weird!
Yesterday I had a big assignment due for class. A case study on a patient. We had one for first year too but we had all semester to work on it. I basically had to crank one out in a week and some of the requirements were way different than last year. It was down to the wire with my class starting at 1:00 and me still typing away at 12:30 or so. I ran upstairs to get dressed and high tailed it to Gilroy to class. I amazingly finished and was on time! For anyone who knows me I am one of those people that usually finish way ahead of time and give myself plenty of time to get places. This program certainly makes me feel like a basket case.... a procrastinator and always waiting till the last minute cause I had 100 other things to do before this and that. Defiantly makes me feel like a terrible mommy since 90% of the time hubby is doing everything with them while I am stuck doing homework or in class/clinical. I think of all weeks, last week was the holy grail of shoving way too much into one week.
My week started out like a typical Monday. Did my homework till I had to be in clinical at 3 in San Jose. Went to clinical 3-10:30, got home about 11... could not fall asleep till almost 1. Got up early the next day to get everyone up and ready for Logan's field trip. I chaperoned his feild trip (I had 5, 5 year olds with a lot of energy and yes, I was 1 weeks pregnant at the time) then went to the school dropped off all these monkeys and then went straight to clinical till 10:30. I barley made it to my bed and was out cold. The next day we had a health fair at school that was said to be mandatory. I already had my check up scheduled, so I went to that in the morning, then went to school for this health fair. Then after the fair, it was class time till 4. By the time I walked in the door I was beat and I still had homework.... but it had to wait. I had to take care of some kiddo's and then to bed by 7. yes, 7pm I was snuggled in bed waiting for mr sandman to come bless me into a wonderful slumber! Got up the next morning took monkeys to school, and did homework till school time at 1:00 and had a test that I did not study too much for (which I pulled an 88% ... seriously right out of the air!). First yea I think my best test score was an 85%...... I am finally getting the hang of this craziness!
Just talking about all of that again makes me feel a little flutter of panic at trying to remember it all and not miss anything and still trying to stay vertical during the daytime hours. I guess my only comfort is knowing that I am doing all of this for a reason.... the reason I come home at night and dont just crash, but instead decide to be nice and pour some cereal into a trough for the kids to eat! lol! Wouldn't that be nice if it really were that simple.