Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Years, New Traditions

Every year I try to figure out what I should do with the kids all day to ring in the New Year (not just at midnight). I want a tradition they can look back on and every year know that on a certain holiday (or day) that we will be doing this particular thing .... so I came up with a few ideas

1. Each family member make an "All About Me" book

Something like this, but with more details like what do they want to be when they grow up, favorite animal, sport, fruit, veggie, dinner, breakfast, toy, movie, book, where do you live, who do you live with (and ages), what is your typical day like........ Also include a page about what we want from this year. When finished put in a special envelope then put it in with Christmas decorations that we are putting away until next year.

2. Watch home movies that were made this year.

3. Go through all the pictures togehter and organize them, maybe back them up for once! haha!

I think we will also cruise the web for some new yummy dishes and actually try some out together. Other than that it will be another relaxed holiday together.

What traditions do you have with your children for New Years? What about other holidays? Any you would like to start?