Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What we have learned

So this is now my 5th pregnancy (6th baby) and through school and all these babies, we have learned a few things we will be using or doing in this pregnancy/for this baby.

1. Rates of c-sections and interventions at hospitals are crazy high. Aiming for a home birth this time! (- key word aiming... who knows what will happen... If anyone has some resources to share I would love it! We would also love the support of our family and friends no matter what road we end up taking.

2. Had no idea how far cloth diapering has come. We will be using cloth this time. I love the gDiapers system but, I will be trying to sew some AIO diapers myself and maybe trying out some different styles to see what works for us. I figure I have a little while to work on that...  and possibly recruit some family/friends to help:) Their are lots of free cloth diaper patterns on the web - hint hint;) lol! Maybe a diaper service.... not quite sure yet. If you google cloth diapers all in one you will be surprised at how far cloth has come!

3. We will not be finding out the sex! I know, I know... I am a terrible control freak so I can understand that this one may be hard to swallow... but we have a boy and a girl. We don't really care what we have this time as long as the baby is healthy. (at least this is the plan for right now. We may need to have the doctor write it on a piece of paper for my sister in law and mother in law. I know those two will need to know! as long as they keep it from us. lol!)

4. We are going to try avoiding buying anything new (except of course few things) and expect our family and friends to do the same. We will be scouring garage sales for clothes and necessary items. We will have a baby registry for people to refer to for the things we will need, but would prefer for them to find them gently used on craiglist/ebay, at baby re-sale stores, at garage sales or stuff you just don't need anymore and want to hand down. We would also love any hand made special items for our newest addition. If you are able to do it, we would prefer that over anything you could buy for us. Already have a request in to Aunt Peggy for a hand made crocheted baby blanket:)

This baby will be our green baby. Wow what a difference a few years and some schooling make! lol!

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